lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Bill Gates

The person that I will describe is the famous and rich informatic Bill Gates.
He is interested in read a lot of books and also to play tennis. But principally his hobby is the computing.

He is plump. He is going grey, he is light-skinned, he is clean-shaven, his eyes are blue, he has some wrinkles because he's sixty years old. Also he wears a pair of black glasses and normally he wears suit with a tie.

Bill Gates June 2015.jpgHe is a very intelligent person, sensible, sofisticate, generous, sympathetic, honest, responsible and very had-working. He is very generous and sympathetic because he has given part of his fortune to charitable organizations. Bill Gates is one of the most richest people of the world because he has made a big breakthrough in the technology, he created Microsoft. So, he is proud of his work.

I think that Bill gates is a person very important for the society because he has made a big breakthrough in the technology and now we can do things that before we couldn't.

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