domingo, 19 de abril de 2015

Tourist Interview

 1. Holland.
3.By bus.
4.To gast, relax.
5.One week.
7. Nothing, only the city.
8. The Gardens of Gaudí.
9.The rain.
11. By train.
12. Cerveza.
13.Yes, paella.
14.I don't know.
15. Yes.
19. Yes.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

A prize-winning photo

Tittle: Side Effects.


29 October 2010

54°33’47.37”N 18°13’42.22”E

Kacper Kowalski is a pilot and a photographer. Side Effects is a documentary project about the complex relationship between humans and nature. The photos were shot either from a paraglider or a gyroplane, some 150 meters above the ground, mainly in the area around Gdynia, in Poland, where Kowalski lives. In this work, Kowalski explores answers to questions that deeply interest him: What is the natural environment for humans? Is it an untouched, virgin landscape? Or is it a landscape that has changed, adapted to human needs?
Kowalski sees his work as offering a graphic and sometimes abstract portrait of how civilization came into being. For Kowalski, the content of the photo is less important than the reactions, reflections, and ideas that arise when looking at it. He would like the project to be a starting point for discussion about what is good or bad, necessary or optional, in the relationship between humans and nature.
The camera is never connected to a remote control, and Kowalski never uses a drone. He wants to be up there, camera in hand. And he flies alone. That means he doesn’t have to explain anything, or rely on another person’s spatial imagination. It means he can fly precisely.
Side Effects is more a method of visual storytelling than a concrete set of pictures. It is an ongoing project that will continue to be modified.


29 octubre 2010

54 ° 33'47.37 "N 18 ° 13'42.22" E

Kacper Kowalski és un pilot i un fotògraf. Efectes secundaris és un projecte documental sobre la complexa relació entre els humans i la natura. Les fotos van ser preses ja sigui des d'un parapent o un autogir, a uns 150 metres per sobre del terra, principalment en l'àrea al voltant de Gdynia, a Polònia, on viu Kowalski. En aquest treball, Kowalski explora respostes a les preguntes que li interessen profundament: Quin és el mitjà natural per als éssers humans? És un paisatge verge intacta? O és un paisatge que ha canviat, adaptat a les necessitats humanes?
Kowalski veu el seu treball com oferir un retrat gràfic i, de vegades abstracta de com la civilització va arribar a existir. Per Kowalski, el contingut de la foto és menys important que les reaccions, reflexions i idees que sorgeixen quan es mira en ell. A ell li agradaria que el projecte sigui un punt de partida per a la discussió sobre el que és bo o dolent, és necessari o opcional, en la relació entre els humans i la natura.
La càmera mai està connectat a un comandament a distància, i Kowalski mai utilitza un avió no tripulat. Ell vol estar allà dalt, càmera en mà. I ell vola sol. Això vol dir que no ha d'explicar res, o es basen en la imaginació espacial d'una altra persona. Això significa que pot volar amb precisió.

Efectes secundaris és més un mètode de narració visual d'un conjunt concret de fotos. És un projecte en curs que segueixen modificant.

Photographer: Kacper Kowalski.

Other photos:

Resultado de imaxes para flechas

2nd. description (my description).
In this photo I can see the amount of color tones and the contrast between the liquid(water) and solid (forest, vegetation, etc).
I think that the photo was taken in autumn, because the color of the trees are browns.
There are nature in its maximum expression, free of any contaminating factor.
There isn't people or animals, at least not visible to the naked eye.
I can see only the shadow of the gyroplane that it reflected on the water of the lake.
He is in Poland, where he born, and the photo was taken from 150 m of height.
This photo transmit me serenity, purity and adventure.

"I think that almost everything in this picture is the same".


-Here we are in Pisa, Italy.

-What did you do that day?
This day was the first day in Italy and we visited Pisa. All the people took the famous photo of The Tower of Pisa.

-I will remember this trip for long time because is the trip that it gave the end of ESO. 

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

A romantic romcom

 The story is about two different girls. Amanda Woods (Cameron Diaz), an American girl who has a thriving advertising agency specializing in movie trailers, lives in Southern California and just broke up with her boyfriend (Edward Burns). Meanwhile, Iris Simpkins (Kate Winslet), editor of the popular wedding column for the London Daily Telegraph, lives in a charming cottage in England and their relationships with men are not easy. Through internet reach an agreement to exchange their homes during Christmas. A program in exchange trip where will discover new feelings and relationships with other people who are themselves and find true love they so desired.

Best part:
My best moment is when Amanda discover that she can cry, is the moment that she has discovered she has fallen in love.